With former president Jimmy Carter passing, here is the language on the National Day of Observance (NDO), which President Biden has declared to be January 9, 2025.
Re: Clarification of Regulations for National Day of Observance
The parties agree that the following procedures will apply to affected employees if the Postmaster General or designee determines that the Postal Service will participate in a National Day of Observation (e.g., National Day of Mourning), subsequent to the declaration of a National Day of Observance having been made by Executive Order of the President of the United States.
1. Full-time employees whose basic work week includes the National Day of Observance as a scheduled work day but who are not directed to report for work, will be granted administrative leave for that day.
2. Full-time employees whose basic work week includes the National Day of Observance as a scheduled work day, and who perform service, will be granted a day of administrative leave at a future date, not to exceed eight hours.
3. Full-time employees whose basic work week includes the National Day of Observance as a non-scheduled day and are not directed to report for work, will be granted a day of administrative leave at a future date.
4. If the National Day of Observance is a full-time employee’s non-scheduled day and the employee is scheduled to work, the employee will receive overtime pay, plus up to eight hours of future administrative leave for the number of hours worked.
5. The same provisions apply to part-time regular employees as apply to full-time employees. The total hours of administrative leave should only equal the scheduled hours for the National Day of Observance, which may be less than eight hours. However, part-time regular employees whose basic work week includes the National Day of Observance as a nonscheduled work day and who are not directed to report for work on the National Day of Observance will be granted a day of administrative leave at a future date equal to the average number of daily paid hours in their schedule for the service week previous to the service week in which the National Day of Observance occurs, which may be less than eight hours.
6. Part-time flexible employees should be scheduled based on operational needs. Part-time flexible employees who work will be granted a day of administrative leave at a later date. The day of administrative leave will be based on the number of hours actually worked on the National Day of Observance, not to exceed eight hours. Part-time flexible employees who are not directed to work on the National Day of Observance will be granted administrative leave at a future date equal to the average number of daily paid hours during the service week previous to the service week in which the National Day of Observance occurs, not to exceed eight hours.
7. Transitional employees will only receive pay for actual work hours performed on the National Day of Observance. They will not receive administrative leave.
8. If an employee is on leave or Continuation of Pay on the National Day of Observance, the employee will be granted a day of administrative leave at a future date, not to exceed eight hours.
9. An employee on OWCP, AWOL, suspension or pending removal on the National Day of Observance will not be granted administrative leave. If the employee on AWOL, suspension or pending removal is returned to duty and made whole for the period of AWOL, suspension or removal, the employee may be eligible for administrative leave for the National Day of Observance if the period of suspension or removal for which the employee is considered to have been made whole includes the National Day of Observance. Such determination will be made by counting back consecutive days from the last day of the suspension or removal to determine if the employee had been made whole for the National Day of Observance.
10. Where provisions in this Memorandum of Agreement provide for a day of administrative leave to be taken at a future date, such leave must be granted and used within six months of the National Day of Observance or by the end of the Fiscal Year, whichever is later. However, administrative leave will not be granted to employees who are on extended leave for the entire period between the Day of Observance and six months from that date, or between the Day of Observance and the end of the Fiscal Year, whichever is later.
11. Administrative leave taken at a future date must be taken at one time.
12. Administrative leave to be taken at a future date may, at the employee’s option, be substituted for previously scheduled but not used annual leave.
13. Administrative leave to be taken at a future date should be applied for by using the same procedures which govern the request and approval of annual leave consistent with Local Memoranda of Understanding.
Date: May 4, 2000
Thanks Branch 458 for providing the information!
A motion was made at the branch meeting on Nov. 19, 2024 and passed with a vote of 15-4. The motion was made for the
"Resolved: Regarding the 2024 NALC / USPS Tentative Agreement (TA), NALC Branch 849:
1) Approves an official position opposing the TA and encourages its membership to vote against it; and
2) Publishes approved position in the next issue of 849 Express; and posts approved position on all Branch 849 union bulletin boards, on
nalcbranch849.org, on all Branch 849 social media accounts, and in an email to all branch members with an associated email account."
Disclaimer: This is not a motion "requiring" any member to vote one way or the other. It is merely an endorsement.
Branch 849 helping out others at the FoCo Cafe
with a donation when it is needed most during the pandemic.
2018 National Convention in Detroit