NALC opposes postal privatization in all forms and supports S. Res. 99 and H. Res. 33, which calls on Congress to ensure that the Postal Ser-vice remains an independent
establishment and not subject to privatization.
Door Delivery—H. Res 23
Door delivery should be expanded, not restrict-ed or eliminated. Cutting it would undermine the Postal Service’s ‘last mile’ advantage, and likely reduce revenues by more
than any cost sav-ings. NALC supports H. Res. 23, which main-tains door delivery for all business and residen-tial customers.
Support USPS Fairness Act (H.R. 2382)
Repeal the pre-funding mandate. NALC sup-ports H.R. 2382, the bipartisan USPS Fairness Act, which would repeal the pre-funding man-date.
Six-Day Delivery—H. Res. 54
NALC supports H. Res. 54, which continues six-day delivery for all business and residential cus-tomers.
Service Standards—H.Res. 60
NALC supports H. Res. 60, expresses the sense that USPS should take all appropriate measures to restore service standards in effect as of July 1, 2012.